3-Piece Drum Microphone Bundle Supply

This 3-piece bundle includes:
- Matched pair SDC microphones for overhead miking (choose which model you prefer using the menu above)
- 1 Roswell Mini K47 KD microphone for kick drum
- Shockmounts for each mic
- Single flight case to store all 3 microphones (with mounts)
Overhead Microphones
Choose our transformerless (Schoeps CMC5 style) or transformer-coupled (Neumann KM84 style) designs. Both offer a very smooth response and a natural, not hyped, top end.
The transformerless model has fast, accurate transient response. Read more about this microphone here.
The transformer-coupled model does some transient compression, and creates some harmonic saturation. Read more about this microphone, and hear an audio demo, here.
Kick Drum Mic
We have bundled the overhead SDC pair with a Roswell Mini K47 KD, a large-diaphragm condenser purpose-built for kick drum. It works well on inside and outside placements. It gives a huge bottom end with a natural sound, not a clicky or artificial sound.
Read more about the Roswell Mini K47 KD.
Bundle Pricing
The 3-mic set is priced $50 below the cost of the overhead mic pair and KD mic when purchased separately.
Additional Information
SDC Model | Transformer coupled (KM84 style), Transformerless (CMC5 style) |